
Ecology characterizes mutual relations between the body and environment. In this aspect, a wooden house is created as almost an ideal dwelling – the physiological and psychological dialogue between environment and human in wooden houses is the most natural, healthy and harmonic, and there are plenty of arguments proving it. Microclimate of a timber frame house positively affects health
AIR HUMIDITY CONTROL – One of the most characteristic features of the wood as a material is its interaction with environment, controlling the air humidity. Thanks to the characteristics called wood balance humidity, the inner rooms of timber buildings preserve natural balance of air humidity. It works as follows – if air humidity of the environment increases, the wood starts to absorb it, but when the air becomes too dry, it evaporates the accumulated humidity. Figuratively speaking, wooden premises „breathe” . In the same way works the wooden floor and the walls of the wooden building, and this helps to preserve constant, natural and healthy indoor climate for the occupants – this is why wooden houses are regarded as being the most people friendly. Buildings constructed from other materials cannot adapt in this way, often humidity is too high, mould starts to grow, and air is unhealthy.
LESS DUST – Another interesting fact is that the inner rooms of wooden buildings store up little dust. Dust appear because of static electricity, however, electrostatic characteristics of wood do not allow the electricity to accumulate in the premises. This is why it is suggested for people having different allergies to live in wooden houses (dust is one of the main allergy cause).
EXCELLENT SOUND INSULATION – Timber frame houses have better sound insulation than brick wall houses
Some independent researches have found another advantage of timber frame buildings – their walls have better sound insulation than those of brick buildings. It is especially important for those, who plan to build their house near a highway or some other source of constant noise.
POSITIVELY AFFECTS MIND – The heartiness and suitability of timber house living environment for people becomes apparent not only physiologically (its microclimate conditions positively affect lungs, respiratory system), but also psychologically. It is found out that the “warm” colours and natural look of wood positively affects the state of mind, calms down the nervous system and creates great conditions for relaxation after a stressful working day. Try a little experiment – imagine for a moment the interior walls and ceiling of, at first, a wooden house and then a conventional block house. In which case more pleasant emotions took over your mind? In which of these premises you would better prefer to live?

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