Blower door test
We are very pleased with our newly delivered projects’ air permeability test results: 0,33 h-1. Māju Fabrika has again proven its skills in passive house construction.
We are very pleased with our newly delivered projects’ air permeability test results: 0,33 h-1. Māju Fabrika has again proven its skills in passive house construction.
Tuvojas svarīgs notikums ekoloģisko un koka ēku būvniecības nozarē – Ecobuild 2014, kas norisināsies Londonā no 4. līdz 6. martam. SIA Māju Fabrika, sadarbībā ar Latvijas investīcijas un attīstības aģentūru, jau otro gadu piedalīsies šajā būvniecības nozares pasākumā. Tiekamies Londonā!
After an intensive working week, the international construction exhibition BATIMAT 2013, which took place in Paris, has come to an end.
Having returned to the daily work environment, we can finally summarize our impressions, process client files, and, once again,