Durability and Fire Safety

There exist conclusive scientific facts and results of experiments, which prove that timber frame houses demonstrate very good safety characteristics in fire and other tests.

  • FIRE SAFETY – Timber frame buildings are not just „wooden houses”, but these are houses built from special panels, construction of which obstructs the access of oxygen, that means – prevents the spreading of fire. The materials used in the finishing of these houses prevent fire access to wood inside the panels. Several experiments have been carried out, which found that in the cases of shorter fire (that is, when fire-brigade arrived in short time) fire can possibly manage to destroy only the protective layer of the walls without touching the wooden construction itself. In such case, the house is quite easy and cheap to renovate.Timber frame house in New Orleans vicinity was the only one surviving after the hurricane „Katrina”
  • DURABILITY – Modern technologies have found ways to overcome the usual „heavier=more durable” formula. A timber frame house is lighter than a brick or block house. However, its construction is a fine and precise invention, which ensures excellent sustainability during severe earthquakes as well as hurricanes. A well-known example is a timber frame house in New Orleans, which became popular as the only surviving building from thousands in the neighbourhood after the hurricane „Katrina”.
  • SUSTAINABILITY – Different researches have studied the endurance of a timber frame house against different impacts of environmental factors (in other words – against „ravages of time”) during a long period of time. The conclusion was that at the impact of different aggressive environmental factors the sustainability of timber frame houses is very high, but on condition that the house is correctly and accurately built. This is why it is important to pay extra attention to the professionalism and competence of the builder team you choose for the construction of your timber frame house.

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