Energy efficiency

  • It is an acknowledged fact that often a great part of energy, used for house heating, is wasted inexpediently. We pay enormous heating bills because we heat not only our house, but also the surrounding environment – badly insulated buildings constantly cause thermal energy losses. It is, certainly, possible to improve the building’s protection by using different heat insulation materials – rock wool etc. However, you can also choose timber frame house, which is naturally tended to energy efficiency due to its material (the wood has low thermal conductivity).
  • Wood is never cold when you touch it – this is because wood preserves heat and does not allow its outflow. Wooden premises demonstrate another valuable characteristic – timber walls spread out the heat evenly along the premise avoiding other materials inside the rooms as it often happens, when the temperature becomes too high closer to the source of heat, while the opposite corner of the room becomes already chilly.
  • Timber frame houses save at least 1/3 from your heating expenses
  • Specialists have calculated so called U-value for different types of buildings. U-value characterizes building’s heat endurance – it shows the amount of thermal energy (in watts) running through one square meter of a material, when the temperature difference between the both sides of the material is 1 Kelvin degree. The U-value of timber frame houses is lower than of buildings from other materials, which means, that, to preserve warmth, they need less heat supply, and that becomes apparent in heating bills. Less consumption of thermal energy means not only your personal benefit by paying less for heat, but also your contribution to climate and planet’s ecosystem protection – timber framed house emits half less CO2 or so called „greenhouse gas” fumes in the environment. This is why timber frame houses are often called „green” and environmentally friendly. It is possible to reach even more impressive economy of thermal energy in so called eco or „passive” wooden houses. Some mass media publications and TV broadcasts maintain that it is possible to heat such houses in winter only by a candle, and this statement is not a science fiction but reality. However, the construction of such houses differs and the expenses are higher than those of traditional timber frame houses. Nevertheless, the further economy on heating bills is also more considerable.

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