Frame Houses

  • Timber frame houses – it is a type of private house building that has gained a wide popularity in the European Union as well as in North America, inciting people to return from concrete buildings to the life in cosy and ecological environment. The building technology of timber frame houses has retained the advantages of traditional wooden buildings and diminished their disadvantages becoming one of the most beneficial, comfortable, fastest and safest method of few-storey buildings construction.
  • Timber frame houses are mostly built in advanced countries. Statistics show that in, so called, „developed world” more than 70% of people have chosen to live in wooden houses. In Canada, Norway, USA the proportion of wooden houses constitutes the absolute majority (around 90%) among few-storey buildings. There is no doubt – timber frame houses are the symbol of high quality, humane living environment and well-being.
  • What is the key factor of the attractiveness of timber frame houses?

There are several reasons, and you can find them in more detailed description in the following subsections. However, the main reasons, making customers choose timber frame houses, are:

  • Timber frame houses are more people friendly in comparison with buildings constructed from other materials, because their indoor climate provide optimal living conditions for a human body.
  • Carefully built timber frame houses provide excellent heat insulation and considerably help to save money on heating bills.
  • The building technology of timber frame houses allows a fast and easy construction. Moreover, it is beneficial enough from the financial point of view.
  •  Correctly constructed timber frame buildings are fire safe and durable.

To study the characteristics of timber frame building in more detail, please, see the following subsections:

1. Ecology. Timber frame house takes care of your feeling of comfort!
2. Energy Efficiency. No more stress about heating bills!
3. Construction Speed. Move to your new home in couple of months!
4. Durability and Fire Safety. Wooden buildings live through centuries!
5. Low Expenses. Building of a timber frame house is a financially wise decision!

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